Ms Low Sok Hui
I graduated from the Nanyang Technological University with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art, and completed a Master in Art Education from Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, US.
My teaching career started in a secondary school. After which, I had the opportunity to teach in the Art Elective Programme at secondary and JC levels, as well as in an Integrated Programme (IP) institution. Throughout the years in my teaching service in an IP school, I held the position as Subject Head (Art) and had been coordinator for school-wide programme and activities. Subsequently, I was privileged to join the Singapore Teachers’ Academy for the aRts (STAR), working towards inspiring professional excellence and learning of the art teaching fraternity.
Having been an art educator for more than 20 years, I believe that curiosity is innate in all students and everyone have the ability to learn. Students have different learning styles and learning could be through different ways and at different pace. I see myself as a facilitator tapping on each student’s sense of wonder and curiosity to help them develop a personal voice that is uniquely their own. It is my aim to enable students to experience joy and meaning in artmaking with the larger goal of them developing a broader and more nuanced understanding of the world around them. It is also my intention for my students to become advocates who share their positive art learning experiences with others.
I am also a teacher-artist who likes to play and experiment with a variety of materials in my artmaking. Inspired by travel, archaeology and the Japanese aesthetics of Wabi Sabi, my artworks explore materiality through a process of continual exploration. Through my artmaking, I want to role model for my students the creative inquiry process where we constantly reflect and persist to discover exciting possibilities. I look forward to embarking on artistic adventures with the students at Eunoia and collectively create meaningful learning experiences.