Every Eunoian a
Youth with Purpose
Thinker with Heart
Leader with Courage
Enable students to learn continuously,
Empower students to seek all-round excellence, and
Embolden students to pursue their purpose.
We live with integrity;
truthful to self and to others.
We connect with love;
love transcends borders.
We lead courageously;
courage brings us forward.
We serve selflessly;
our joy is in giving.
Student Outcomes
Eunoians are critical and inventive thinkers
who have strong moral and intellectual integrity.
They are anchored in values,
guided by purpose
and fuelled by passion.
They are perceptive youth
who respect ideas and embrace diversity.
They give the best of themselves
and bring out the best in others.
They are skilful and courageous leaders
who inspire hope and excellence.
They are unafraid to stand up for what is right,
even if it means standing alone.
They are concerned citizens and global ambassadors
who serve others humbly and selflessly.
They contribute actively to society
and strive to advance Singapore
and the world.