Class of 2023 – Vol 2

Charlotte Lee (22-I2)
An outstanding Netball captain who continually strove for improvement, Charlotte led by example both in and outside the classroom.
What was the most meaningful part of your journey in EJC?
“Home is where the people are.” I guess coming into EJ, I could finally understand this quote and truly relate to it. Eunoia is my second home. Through EJ, I have gotten the chance to cross paths with some of the most amazing people, be it my peers or my tutors. These people have been my pillars of support throughout these two years, being the reason I could stay motivated and keep going. It was not simply the “Jiayou(s)” and small encouragement snacks that gave me a boost; it was the feeling of camaraderie and trust with them that allowed me to know I was not alone. At the hardest times when I felt defeated or when I almost wanted to give up, the faith that my tutors and peers had in me gave me strength to persevere. They gave me a reason to smile and tell myself that it was not the end!
Taking up multiple commitments in EJ, I had a busy time, but it was truly exhilarating. Looking back, I have no regrets and, certainly, enjoying what I was doing really helped give me motivation to carry on! I found reasons to love and appreciate, like the strength of journeying together as a team, or bonding with a community of incredible individuals in my house (Isami!). Hence, alongside practising time management and maintaining consistency in order to juggle my responsibilities, I think viewing these responsibilities as wonderful memorable experiences I had the opportunity to journey through made them a source of joy instead of a burden.
What is one experience, feeling or idea from your time in Eunoia you are grateful for?
I am wholeheartedly grateful to Eunoia, for allowing me to experience the true beauty of “work hard, play hard”. This idea is not one that was new or foreign to me before, but I never really got to experience it at such a deep level until I came to EJ.
Through Eunoia, I was given the chance to feel the highest ‘highs’ despite the stressful journey. Each school event brought me euphoria and I was enjoying each moment to the fullest, with my heart feeling warm and full after! Being gifted with such times of relief made it much easier to spend time with our heads in the books. It helped me manage stress much more easily while coping with my commitments and academics. Stepping out of EJ, this feeling of fulfilment and achievement is one that grants me the ability to say that I have no regrets. I am grateful for each and every individual I have met here, and every opportunity I was given to live my Eunoian life to the fullest. Thank you EJ, for letting my dreams take flight!
What would you like to say to the Class of 2023 and your juniors?
To my batchmates, I want to say Congratulations! We made it! Two years ago, when we first entered Eunoia, some of us could never have pictured how the next two years of our lives would play out. Now that it’s over, we can look back on the memories we have made, friendships forged, and challenges we’ve overcome, using them as our sources of motivation for the journey ahead of us.
To the new J1s, I hope you will make this EJ experience uniquely yours! Take risks and try new things, meet new people and form networks, and make every moment count.
Lastly to the current J2s, do not forget to let yourself breathe every once in a while, and enjoy this final year in Eunoia. Even though A levels may seem daunting and scary, be brave, stay consistent and remember to rest! To quote EJ Netball’s team motto, keep striving and giving it your all “to the end”. EU-GOT THIS!

Gisele Lee (22-I1)
Gisele marvellously juggled leading the Hockey team into the National School Games as Vice-Captain with taking on a leading role at the much anticipated annual Literature Festival that brings texts to life. In doing so, she leaves Eunoia with a rich, fulfilling experience, and she shares some tips for how other Eunoians could do the same.
Who or what were your great sources of motivation? How did you manage to balance your commitments?
If you were to ask me how I managed to balance all my commitments, the short answer is that it's a matter of sacrifice. I’m not a perfect person and I definitely had a hard time balancing my time between Hockey training sessions, keeping up with schoolwork, and participating in all the various school events and activities. There were times when I was frustrated with myself for being unable to handle everything that was on my plate, and fell behind in my studies. However, I’m incredibly lucky and privileged to be studying subjects that I’m interested in and passionate about, and this motivated me to stay engaged in class and catch up with my lectures.
Additionally, balancing being in a leadership role as Vice-captain of Hockey was definitely one of the toughest and most challenging experiences of my time here in EJ. But seeing my teammates improve rapidly over the short year and watching how much each of them had grown has made me want to give my all to my CCA, no matter the sacrifice.
Having the support of my friends and family also definitely helped in managing my commitments, whether they lent a listening ear, or invited me to study together, their support and guidance played a key role in helping me balance everything. Lastly, I am forever grateful for my Captain, Anya, for being one of the biggest pillars of support. She journeyed with me, watching me grow both as a person and as a leader. Thank you for pushing me to be my best, and to never be afraid to call out my areas of weaknesses to help better myself, I don’t know how I could have done it without you.
What is one experience, feeling or idea from your time in Eunoia you would like to keep with you?
One thing that really stands out about EJ for me is the opportunities and avenues that the school has that allows students to express themselves and to just have fun. One memorable experience was when I impulsively signed up to perform at the Valentines’ Day busking session. Although the event may seem inconsequential, that experience is a core memory for me.
Performing with the aim to make my friends and other college mates laugh, I could really feel the love (get it?) that Eunoians have for one another, teaching me not to take JC life too seriously and spurred me to sign up for more school activities despite any second thoughts. This experience certainly shaped me into becoming a more daring person who is not afraid of trying new things, and expressing myself in new and creative ways.
What would you like to say to the Class of 2023 and your juniors?
Looking back on my time in EJ, I’m surprised that the things I miss most are the little, everyday things. Simple things like squishing into the lift in the morning to avoid being late, setting up the metal boards around the pitch during CCA, struggling to understand theories in econs lessons, or looking forward to literature lectures just to marvel at Mr Lim’s slides. Back then, I remember wanting time to pass by as fast as possible, to move on with the next topic, to the next assignment, to get to the part where A-levels were over so that I no longer needed to feel stressed or study anymore. However, now whenever I take a sip of teh ping, or eat duck noodles, I would be reminded of just how short, yet impactful my time here in EJ was.
So to my juniors, I urge you to take things slow, enjoy the process of learning, and to find the joy in the little things! I want to assure you that when you graduate, you will remember not your grades, but the activities that you participated in and the friendships you have forged along the way. The time you have in EJ may be short, but the memories you make here will definitely last forever.
To my batchmates: We did it! I cannot believe how far we have all come since the start of orientation to graduation and how all of us have grown and changed. These past 2 years were filled with both ups and downs, but I hope all of you had a good rest after A-levels. I wish all of you the best in your future endeavours!

Valerie Ang (22-I6)
A national figure-skater, Valerie spent hours making her incredible routines in the rink look effortless, and channeled this same determination, purpose, and passion into her academic and leadership endeavours in EJC. Here, she shares what kept her going and some words of encouragement.
Who or what were your great sources of motivation? How did you manage to balance your commitments?
Eunoia has been an unforgettable journey but it definitely hasn’t been easy. My greatest source of motivation in my time in Eunoia was my very supportive friends and teachers who were always there to guide and encourage me, both during exam and competition seasons. It's the little things like asking how my training went, or asking if I needed help with assignments that made my days a little more memorable. Ice skating training was always an outlet for me to destress and take a break from the academic aspects of school, so it never felt like just another task or chore to be done. Instead I looked forward to and was excited for training daily, and it has honestly been the biggest motivation of it all for me to work harder in school, or finish my assignments before I leave school so that I have a clear mind going into training!
What is one experience, feeling or idea from your time in Eunoia you would like to keep with you?
Cosmos 2023 has got to be my greatest #whyej for sure and i am so very grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing orientation exco, and also our amazing orientation team as a whole. Being able to work behind the scenes of Cosmos from 4 months before ori, up til the finale of Cosmos, was nothing I could have anticipated. During touchdown on the finale night, the echoing of joyous symphony of singing, cheering for their respective houses and dancing the night away, while witnessing my fellow eunoians’ faces illuminated by genuine smiles and infectious happiness is truly a moment I'll never forget. It was in that moment that I thought to myself: this exact moment is what made the past four months of hard work all worth it.
What would you like to say to the Class of 2023 and your juniors?
These two years are short, slow down and enjoy life a little before it all passes by in a flash. Create memories, unforgettable friendships, and be in the present!